
intellectual puzzles

hexagonal playing cards rules of card gaming escription of game device positions of card games

word forming gaming mathematical playing cards magic positions of numbers

Hexagonal chess-pieces of dominoes or hexaminoes.
Intellectual games and puzzles.

Set of hexaminoes.
36 chess-pieces.

name has arisen when chess-pieces of dominoes made of an ivory

Colorless game board.
64 cells.

36 chess-pieces of hexaminoes can be used for games and pazzles

Description of the game set.

Hexagonal chess-pieces of dominoes (hexaminoes) is a version of this board game in which there is one complete set of hexagonal chess-pieces or otherwise to tell bones of dominoes.
Chess-pieces of dominoes, and in particular hexaminoes, can look like printed cards or volumetric tiles (dies) but in any case it is possible to name cards or tiles as "bones" because such name has arisen when players made dominoes of an ivory. Such name has arisen in Russian language.
The complete set of hexaminoes includes 36 chess-pieces:
11 chess-pieces have figures 2 and 3;
11 chess-pieces have figures 1 and 3;
11 chess-pieces have figures 1 and 2;
3 chess-pieces are doubles, namely all figures of these hexaminoes are identical.
Figures are drawn at six sides of hexagonal chess-pieces in the form of line points.
Figure 1 corresponds with yellow color, figure 2 corresponds with blue color, figure 3 corresponds with red color.
As it is possible to see, the complete set of hexaminoes in this version of game is formed by double combinations of figures, namely each chess-piece has one figure (color) or two figures (two colors), and threefold combinations of figures (combinations of three colors) are absent. As a result in the complete set of hexaminoes there are 36 chess-pieces which approach for games and puzzles on the game board which has 36 hexagonal cells.
And also 36 chess-pieces of hexaminoes can be used for games and puzzles on the game board which has 64 hexagonal cells provided that the zone of 36 cells is allocated within 64 cells. Namely in the complex of this board game there is the colorless 64-cell board which is intended for 36 chess-pieces of hexaminoes but also is intended for other games, and in particular can be used for playing cards and also for games with letters and numbers.
Cells of the game board have different shades of grey color that designates zones.
Light grey cells form the peripheral zone, and dark-grey cells in aggregate with dark and white cells form the internal zone.
The internal zone of the colorless 64-cell board of game is comparable to 36 chess-pieces of hexaminoes.

Images of the complete set of hexagonal dominoes (hexaminoes) and colorless 64-cell game board are in the PDF file.

hexaminoes and colorless 64-cell game board in the PDF file

Instructions for hexagonal domino tiles in various variants of the shown board game can be similar to rules of poker in the event that playing cards with images of dominoes numbers form combinations on cells of boards. Namely if numerical combinations of dominoes are similar to hands of playing cards in poker. Therefore the shown board game can be a prototype for various gambling in which numerical cards with images of dominoes form poker combinations, or otherwise to tell form mathematical compositions similar to hands of cards in poker, that can be interesting for online casino or game portals on the Internet where players play poker.


Positions of hexagonal dominoes in cells of game boards.
Rules of intellectual puzzles and conundrums.

Positions of 36 chess-pieces of hexaminoes in 64 cells of hexagonal game boards can be different, and in particular there can be positions which are shown in figures.

positions of 36 hexaminoes in 64 cells of hexagonal game board positions of hexagonal dominoes as problems of puzzles or conundrums 36 chess-pieces of dominoes are compared by identical figures in puzzles game board and positions of hexaminoes for puzzles and conundrums

The shown positions can be considered as problems of puzzles or conundrums, namely 36 chess-pieces of hexaminoes are necessary to arrange in cells designated by daggers according to following rules.
Preliminary chess-pieces of hexaminoes shuffle and have as closed behind the game board. Then consistently open chess-pieces and spread in cells of the game board. Each open chess-piece should be laid on the board. It is impossible to shift bones on the board.  36 hexaminoes should be compared by identical figures and should be located in cells which are designated by daggers in figures as a result of puzzle.
Besides it is possible to use the game board and positions which are shown in following figure for realization of puzzles and conundrums.

figure for realization of puzzles and conundrums The shown board has 61 hexagonal cells.
Light grey cells form the peripheral zone which includes 24 cells, and the internal zone consists of 37 cells that is comparable to quantity of hexagonal dominoes in the complete set if to not consider the central cell.
Images of the shown game board are in PDF files.
In total it is possible to think up rules of very different puzzles and conundrums which can be carried out by means of 36 chess-pieces of hexagonal dominoes and by means of game boards which have different numbers of hexagonal cells.


Besides by means of 36 hexaminoes it is possible to carry out games in which three players participate as in the complete set there are three groups of chess-pieces, namely each player can play by chess-pieces of own group.
The first game group includes 11 hexaminoes in which red and blue colors are combined.
The second game group includes 11 hexaminoes in which red and yellow colors are combined.
The third game group includes 11 hexaminoes in which yellow and blue colors are combined.
One-color bones or otherwise to tell doubles are absent in game groups, as unique color does not allow to identify belongings of doubles to groups.
Three groups of hexaminoes it is possible to arrange in initial game positions as shown in following figure.

to think up rules of very different puzzles and conundrums with dominoes Initial positions of the first game group are shown by figure 1, and similarly figures 2 and 3 show initial positions of the second and third game groups.
Game rules consist that players begin from initial positions and move own hexaminoes on cells of the game board, and if players compare to identical figures of opponents' hexaminoes then remove such chess-pieces of opponents from the board.
Problems of game can be different. For example, a problem can be moving of chess-pieces in the central cells, namely if someone of players moves three own hexaminoes on 6 dark and one white cell in the center of the game board then gaming comes to the end also this player is won.
And also it is possible to think up many other rules and problems of games in which three players can participate.
