
intellectual conundrums and predictions

principles of game strategy values of color cards card puzzle two game groups of numbers

36 hexaminoes letters of the Latin alphabet 64 hexagonal cells

Hexagonal playing cards i-jing.
Intellectual conundrums and predictions.


Set of predictive cards.
64 hexagrams i-jing.

playing cards with hexagrams i-jing for guessing and predictions

game board for hexagonal playing cards and 64 hexagrams i-jing

Description of predictive system.

Hexagonal playing cards i-jing is a version of this board game for intellectual conundrums and predictions as hexagrams i-jing are symbols which symbolize the mathematical binary code, and in essence symbolize numbers of the binary scale of notation that allows to solve conundrums. And also hexagrams i-jing are esoteric symbols which mean events and phenomena of a human life, namely 64 hexagrams symbolize variants of events and phenomena according to which a human life develops that allows to use hexagonal playing cards with hexagrams i-jing for guessing and predictions.
The complete set of this game version consists of 64 playing cards which correspond to 64 hexagrams and also correspond to serial numbers of hexagrams in the canon of changes i-jing.
The game board can have 64 hexagonal cells or can have 61 cells in the event that for realization of guessing and predictions, or for decisions of conundrums use 60 playing cards and do not use playing cards on which 1st 2nd 63rd 64th hexagrams are represented.
Rules of guessing can be different, but the most obvious is the guessing which consists that playing cards mix and consistently spread on cells of the game board, namely the first playing card spread in the cell with number 1, the second playing card spread in the cell with number 2 and so on spread all 64 cards in cells of the game board, as shown in figure.
If the serial number of any playing card has coincided with number of a cell then the corresponding hexagram i-jing grows out a guessing. It is possible to predict events and phenomena of a human life according to this hexagram.
Values of hexagrams i-jing can be found in the Chinese Book of Changes, or values of hexagrams i-jing can be taken on pages of other website where hexagrams are compared to emotions of a human face, and also are compared to categories of analytical philosophy.
Ratio of hexagrams i-jing with emotions of a human face allow to predict behavior of people, and ratio of hexagrams i-jing with categories of analytical philosophy allow to predict attitudes of people to world around, and including allow to predict mutual relations of people.

Images of hexagonal playing cards with hexagrams i-jing can be taken in the PDF file.

cards with hexagrams i-jing can be taken in the PDF file

The 64-cell game board for hexagonal playing cards and 64 hexagrams i-jing can be taken in the file dominoes.pdf where cells of the board have no numbers which are necessary for realization of guessing, but it is possible to write numbers in cells with a felt-tip pen.

The order of numbers in cells of the game board can be other rather than it is shown in figure and consequently images of the game board have no numbers in the PDF file, and as a matter of fact numbers are not specified as for realization of guessing and predictions it is necessary to apply magic numerical arrangements which can be different and now are not known.
There are known magic arrangements of numbers in cells (square cells) of magic squares, but in this case cells are hexagonal and form a rhombus, and consequently I do not specify any certain magic arrangement of numbers.
Arrangements of hexagrams of the canon of changes i-jing in cells of hexagonal game boards can be very interesting conundrums which can have significant decisions, and including can lead to the decision of a riddle which consists in sequence of hexagrams i-jing in the Chinese Book of Changes. As it is possible to assume that the sequence of hexagrams i-jing has been organized according to those or others hexagonal magic arrangements of numbers.
I hope that hexagonal playing cards with hexagrams i-jing and different hexagonal game boars in the complex of this board game will be tools for decisions of a riddle which is secret and consists in numerical sequence of hexagrams i-jing in the Book of Changes.

Shown hexagonal playing tiles with symbols of the Chinese Book of Changes can be considered as equivalent to tarot cards reading. As hexagrams i-jing are symbols of predictive system by means of which it is possible to foretell divinations and to predict the future, that is comparable to pictures of tarot cards and decks of any other fortunetelling tiles.

